Ferrari Over the Years

Ferrari Over the Years In 1994, Ferrari's long term loyal customer Giampiero Moretti, FOUNDER OF MOMO was one of the few who convinced Maranello to return to sports car racing, making them understand how important it was for the company to return to this category of motorsport in their largest market that was North America. By this time, it had been almost 23-years since Ferrari last partook in the IMSA World Sports Car Championship with the Ferrari 312 PB in 1971 and hence needed a completely new car to compete. A big part of the Ferrari F40's appeal is just how raw and unadulterated it looks. It was built as a race car for the road and it's proud of that. There's no gimmick here. This is a race car first and a road car second. The headlights and taillights are just an afterthought to make it road-compliant. The cabin is small, the seating position cramp and awkward, the suspension is hard and there's a ton of lag from the twin-turbo V8 e...